
Friday, 24 August 2018

The Runner

She crawl to the finish line. Complete and exhaustion.Completing the race buy crawling to the finish line

The All Blacks

With the strength of a Warrior, the all blacks stood proud. On the field, they Perform the haka. Standing with mana, They showed their fearless pukana too scared the other team.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

The Weightlifter

While Competing in the Olympics she struggled to hold the  massive weight on her arms and legs she crumbles to the ground in agony she felt scared.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Ned and Cozmo.

On Monday morning   we said good morning to our teachers and Ben a teacher's had something for us and for the whole school it was a surprise and When we got them there was a person And another person  names Where.Ned.Cosmo And they said he got a superpower and doing those that was a smile and saying kind stuff and he was Amazing and he was talking about Kenya children and said their food taste yuck and they look funny the water look so young there different and Pencil skirt